an ornery group of only children. party. oh, hai! christmas moonlight. texas grace. 2 of the best. a celebration! the new, urban cool, LC! a man of awesome. a woman of awesome. oh, just robes. a long walk. a nice day. crazy nature. i don't mind using power tools. snakes eye view. a happy new year to all the lolbos and bros far and beyond. 2008: super-heavy-force-field-of-fun and love.
i found this book yesterday at the beloved blue hanger and ahhhh! "Heidi" is Joan River's imaginary, sex crazed, blond, trampy friend who spills her guts about her naughty do's. i almost can't handle this shit, i need back-up!
also, i attended a pretty awesome party where i knew only two people. it was great. but, being a single lady of the new millennium i was naturally scopin' the room for a sweet cute. i realized that in my younger days i imagined my adult love to look something like one of the above, or below. unfortunately, i am forever tainted. no dudes have the amazing candor and/or charm like my Johns.