Tuesday, April 28, 2009

california, AGAIN.

golden gates

marin headlands or like i like to call it: marine highlands.

why not.

the coolest girl i know.

my obsession with capri suns will never end. thanks molly.

sir gilbert of the backpacks. best dude 2009.

annalee and mamba!!

me and him.

girls on the dance floor. what?


relaxing in palm springs.

chrissy piper has the key.

summer sun.

"we share everything."

more chrissy piper memorabilia.

shut up.

delicious dinner. thanks brenda!!

to do:
-take more walks.
-help friends fix their bikes.
-pet cats.
-have fun.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

positivism (disambiguation).

ever feel like none of this is right?
always tripping, and jumping?
me too.

it would be better if people were more honest.
i just want to quit for awhile.

it's ok to feel crappy.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

joie de vivre

meg hiding eggs, while the screaming children wait.

i want a goat.

so what, you don't wear the same color dress as your bud?

baby bah.

smart placement.

why not?

this is the cutest thing ever.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

a laconic reply.

can't see it, but this truck says: psychedelic ranger. so cool.

step by step! this is now a lamp.

amy harmon: jet setter, heart breaker.



yep, we did it.
alexis in the zipper!

women. nomen.

watch out y'all.

new secrets.

chicken playground.

power chillin' with e.t. and the cutest cats ever.

more chickens. wild cruff.


and....more secrets.

life, as of now:
-last night i dreamed about churches and ripping down a pay phone.
-i went to barton springs and felt confused.
-words that i love: abdicate. panoply.
-my lips aren't chapped anymore.
-the lavender is dead.
-my foot just fell asleep.