"if i remember correctly, disney land is in california, so i've never been there, but i have been to disney world in florida a couple times as a kid. my mom's parents lived in a condo in delray beach, so when we visited them, we made the trip to orlando to disney world. i've been told by my parents that they first took me when i was 4. we were visiting my grandparents after my sister was born, so the baby was left with them and i got to go meet mickey. they brought me into the haunted house and i freaked the fuck out in the first room, so they had to abruptly leave. i also went on the teacup ride and my dad got sick. my first trip that i can remember, i was around 9 or 10. i loved imagination land, and i got a little plastic figurine of "figment" that is probably in a box in my folks' basement with all the other stuff from my childhood through college life that i didn't schlep with me when i moved to austin. the last time i was there, i was older...i think around 14. that's when the place lost its magic and grossed me out. people were walking around eating these giant turkey legs that were being sold from carts throughout the park, their cameras dangling from their necks, and their fannypacks filled with dollars to be spent on junk. i didn't really like that visit all that much. i went on a "star wars" motion simulator ride and got sick. but i went on slash mountain and that was okay."